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06/08/16 04:51 AM #151    

John Davies

Well, I am seeing there are birthdays.....Yolanda and Rick.....and others I probably missed.  Yolanda is 39 and Rick is, well, the same age as me!!  Manuel, lest we not forget these celebrations must be honored in the appropriate way.  Let's do our part, and hope many others will join in.  (It's for our health too, you know!!).  I guess summer has arrived, particularly here in FL.  Of course we don't have much of a winter here....have never seen even a snowflake in the 26 years I have lived here in Central Florida!!  I hope all is well with everyone.  I am starting to feel old.....I'm sure others in the class of '70 will feel that way rush please!!  Go Rays!!  Take care.....John


06/08/16 03:29 PM #152    

Yolanda Vasquez (Gum)

John - you are so nice but I have given up on lying about my age.  Actually, it's becoming more of an accomplishment that I have gotten to the good old age of ??.  Can you believe that next year is already our Medicare Party?  I am so glad to hear that you and Manuel are still celebrating our birthdays and keeping the website active.  I am one of those people that should be on here more often but you and Manuel are so eloquent with your story telling it's hard to keep up with you.  But, I'm also one of those people that enjoy your posts so please keep them coming. 


07/02/16 07:55 AM #153    


Manuel Avila

Well, I am back.  I saved myself responses to the BDays of Mary Ursua, Dennis Yearton, Rick Davis, Yolanda Vasquez (Gum) and of course my celebrating participant John Davies!  I had trouble deciding if I should celebrate by having one large vessel of alcoholic beverage or a single libation for each BDay person. Since I took so long making my decision, I forgot what I was thinking about. I do remember being told to clean up my litter of several small and one large empty alcoholic beverage containers recently. A trip to the reclamation center was made.

I do enjoy reading the responses made to any and all Message Forums quips posted. I do not do FaceBook or any of the other social media outlets currently in use since they do not seem to be compatible with my flip phone. I do utilize email and internet news media to keep up on current events to keep myself the informed person I strive to be.

Until my next rantings and ravings, take care all you classmates!


08/01/16 11:01 AM #154    

John Davies

Responses have been slow this summer.....maybe it's too hot, huh??!!  Where is everybody??  I am hoping everyone is well and life is good.  I recently took a vacation to Washington DC.  It was great and I encourage everyone to go there if you haven't already done it.  The highlight of the trip for me was a visit to the Vietnam Memorial Wall.  I went to the section where Robert (Bob) Cote's name is and just reminisced back in time a little.  Losing Bob was a tough time in Chris and his family's life.  Bob was one of the good guys in this world, a true class act. Most of us probably know a few other names that are on that wall too.  Wow, those were real men (and women!)!!  I was humbled by the whole experience.

I'm not trying to be depressing, but I recently saw an obituary in the local paper of a man who was born and raised here in central Florida, but had moved out that way to California City and was working in the Gold Queen Mine in Mojave at the time of his death.  it reminded me of the "hundreds" of times Jim O'Donnell and a bunch of us kids had visited that area and went in and out of some of those old mines.  It's almost a miracle that one of us didn't turn up missing during one of those adventures!  Ahhh, the good old days!!  I still remember O'Donnel had a "Goldwater for President" bumper sticker on his station wagon in '64 when we were in 7th grade.  I wonder who he is supporting this year???!!!!!  I better sign off before I get into political trouble here.  Please take care everyone and drop a note to the rest of us when you have a chance!!!!




08/03/16 09:04 AM #155    


Manuel Avila

Good to hear from you John. And a Happy BDay to Larry Morphis and Patricia McCain (Crawford). In the old days, I would have celebrated Larry's BDay with a bottle of single malt scotch. Larry might have even have been with me! Now, just a glass is more than enough to celebrate.

I agree with John about Bob Cote. Another name I remember is Manuel Cazares. These are people I knew. The loss to their families cannot be measured or understood. I have friends who returned from combat in Vietnam. It has taken them years to be able to talk about some of their experiences.

I remember going out with Mr. O'Donnell and into one of those caves somewhere in the desert. You cannot know the meaning of "total" darkness until you step into a cave. Someone tried to explain it to me but the actual experience is total and complete.

John and I will continue to post Forums for the class but we would appreciate some help.


08/03/16 10:19 AM #156    

Rick Davis

Having spent a great deal of time with Mr O'Donnell, I too can well remember the visits to the the Silver Queen mines out of Mojave. The most memorable mine excursion was the time even Mr. O'Donnell became disoriented and we lost our way! All flashlights were ordered off except one held by Mr O. As that light diminished, the next light was moved forward and so on. When we emerged from the mine we had one good light left! True stor,y although I am unable to recall the others there that day.

Another interesting story revolves around the chicken ranch in Ransburg-remember that place? One evening we arrived and as we were walking through we came upon a table with a cup of cool milk and a pack of Hostess powdered sugar donoughts still fresh. The real puzzle was the fact that there was no sign of anyone else there and we saw or heard no vehicles! Could write a series of stories regarding Mr. O indeed. I am still hoping to beat him some day on the chess board!

Enjoy the last of summer. Looking forward to seeing all who attend next years reunion and let's hope our nation can heal itself after this next election-what a mess.

08/04/16 08:22 PM #157    

Chris Cote

John, you must be psychic.  Bob's birthday is Aug. 3rd.  My sisters took my mother to the Vietnam Memorial Wall in DC in the late 80's and she was happy to be able to see it.  

My youngest brother works for the Golden Queen Mine as a mechanic.  He said anyone going into the mines would be fired on the spot because they're private property and dangerous of course.  He's only 6 years younger than us but he is considered the old man there and laughs about it.

My brother Mick saw Mr. O'Donnell at a store recently and the first thing Mr. O asked him was "Were you the guy I threw erasers at?" and then chuckled.  He said he regreted moving form Tehachapi to teach somewhere else.

Hope everyone is well.

08/04/16 09:24 PM #158    

Marvin Williams

It's been awhile since I've posted anything here, like everyone else I'm somewhat in awe of Manuel & John's prowess with English language. Happy belated birthday to those I've missed.I did make a quick pass through Tehachapi a couple of weeks ago to have lunch with Dad at the Village Grill, we have tried as much as we can to stay on the road, have travelled just under 20k so far this year with one big trip planned from September to late November. it's good to read everyone's posts and see what they're up to. I have hoisted a few along with Manuel & John for birthdays, as a matter of fact I tried to find a bottle of Spanada for John's birthday, (he'll know why)., I figure if I have atleast one beer or shot a day I can keep up with all the birthdays! Wishing everybody all the best, enjoy.

08/08/16 07:00 AM #159    

John Davies

Hey, it's awesome to hear from some of the '70 gang!!!  Marvin, glad to head Dad is still hanging in there....he raised a pretty good kid, you know!!  The Spanada thing, my official response is "I do not recall".  I learned that from Hillary!!  However, I will raise a glass of something or other to honor the latest group of birthdays...apparently I am well-trained in that area, and have kept my skills honed with lots of practice.  I recently heard that Eddie Munster turned 61...I thought he was older than us.  I have no idea why that tidbit of information popped into my head!!  I was recently reading a list of high school football players/rosters here in FL and noted that close to half of the kids were over 200 lbs....some in the 240-250+ range.  That is shocking, as I recall when we were in school, I think the only 200-lb guy we had was Brian Villalobos.  He was probably 201 - all muscle.  The rest of us were quite a bit less than that.  I don't know what we are feeding these kids nowadays, but they seem to be thriving!!  Chris, I still remember being in Mr. Capanas and Mrs. Christiansen's classes...those poor teachers must have beat their heads against the wall after dealing with kids like us, huh??!!  Rick, I too, have a lot of memories of Mr. O. and all the classroom adventures field trips we took.  I will bet he could write a best-selling book about all his adventures over the years.  He is a one-of-a-kind guy....the best!!

It would be great to hear from more of the '70 class, as we need new fresh input, rather than just old mundane stuff like I write.  But thanks to all for making the '70 class the best ever!!  I sometimes catch myself smiling when I think back on those good old days and the great people that were there!!



08/17/16 06:59 AM #160    


Tom Thompson

Thank you so much for that callout manuel. It's not every day that your birthday coincides with a Beatles song (When I'm 64).  I have to thank all of you folks for these occasional posts. Since I left the school system after 6th grade, I didn't get the "high school" experience you all did and it's nice to hear these little anecdotes about what might have been. My heart is still in Tehachapi even tho I live in Inyokern. Anyone passing through is welcome to stop by for a visit. And for you manuel, I would take you up to the Indian Wells Brewery for a sip or two of your libation. They do an awesome rootbeer there too. Well, tata for now...

08/17/16 11:34 AM #161    

John Davies

Happy Birthday to Paul, Steve, Tom and Carolyn!!!  Bunch of dang kids still!!!  Ha!  Manuel, I'm glad the old "pitchering" elbows are holding up so we can continue the tradition of properly honoring great people from the 1970 class.  Maybe I already mentioned this event way back when, but I still remember a time in 3rd grade Mrs. McElrath's class (at the old Catholic school on Mill Street) when Carolyn brought a hawk's eye into class.  The hawk had been accidently killed (I think)....not trying to gross anybody out here!  I was amazed at the size of the eye, as it was a lot bigger than a marble (as I vaguely recall).  I like the fact that Tom mentioned the Beattles' song that obviously was written for us in our 64th year!!  I think everyone will agree with me that we all deserve a song written especially for us!!  Yes, I know I am babbling, but it is one of the few remaining strengths I have, so it's what I do.  OK, so now I need to go and check my Trump and Hillary emails to make sure I haven't missed any tidbits of insanity!!  I hope everyone is well.  Take care!!


08/18/16 10:48 AM #162    

Rick Davis

Hello again. In an attempt to remain active on the general forum, as opposed to the private section that I have been active with, I must ask again about a couple names that continue to pop up in my mind. Does anyone know about the MIA-Brian Villalobos or Randy Reiswig?

In another vein I was playing around with the idea of coordinating a conspiracy to "crash" a class of 69 Reunion. I have the means of gathering intel in that arena, thru Connie (Carter). We have managed to keep in touch with each other for quite some time now. An evening with that bunch could prove entertaining. Or perhaps it could be conceivable to somehow plan a joint reunion of some kind with multiple classes. Just a thought.

Enjoy the last of summer everyone. Generally speaking I somewhat dread the coming of winter, as they tend to be cold, dark and snowy here in Spokane. In 2011 we had 13 feet of snow at our home from October thru early April. The last two winters here have been mild, so I hesitate to check in with the Farmers Almanac for the upcoming forecast. Everyone be good out there.

08/24/16 12:44 PM #163    

John Davies

Rick, I was also wondering about Brian Villalobos.  Randy Reiswig, last I heard, was a fireman in Keene, CA.  He lived in Arvin for awhile, but I don't know if he was commuting back and forth, or if he just lived in Keene.  Talking about Brian, he was in my 6th grade class with Mr. Rogers as our teacher (He was tough!).  Anyway, Brian was one of the best singers in Mr. Gamble's elementary school chorus class, and Mr. Gamble liked him a lot.  Brian was also a trumpet player in the band....and he was very good.  After investing in the trumpet, Brian's parents were not going to let him stop playing it and go into chorus class full time.  We were going into 7th grade the next year and would be allowed only one choice of elective classes.  So, Mr. Gamble made an attempt to "lobby" with the school district honchos to allow 7th graders the opportunity to pick two elective classes, which would then allow Brian to choose band and also sing in the chorus.  Of course, I also felt I could sing (I realize now that I was terrible) and offered my services to Mr. Gamble.  That was probably the "deal killer" and so the program of one elective choice was kept in place when we all went into 7th grade.......doo bee doo bee doooooo (in my best Sinatra voice!)......well anyway.....that's how it all went down and it was the end of my singing "career"!!  Brian might still be singing somewhere....just don't know where.

Manuel, I'm sure you have noted all the latest round of birthdays, requiring our participation in the celebrations from afar.  Ahhh, I love birthdays (well, except my own!).  Had a great time watching the Olympics....hope everyone else did too.  Take care and be healthy everyone!!..............John


08/27/16 08:33 AM #164    


Manuel Avila

Since it is getting to the end of the month, I am going to wish Happy BDay to Glenda Killingsworth (Ursua), Ray Koehler, Carolyn Kirkendahl (Johnson), Bob Warner and my neighbor Roger Longcrier. May they celebrate many more.

Speaking of Randy Reiswig, I happened to see him at the Keene Cafe as I was driving away after breakfast there. He looks the same. I believe he lives in Hart Flat and is retired from the fire dept. I see Marvin's Dad occasionally when I pick up my granddaughter from Tompkins because I park across the street from his house.

John, I do not know if you remember but I was in band for a year. Rick should remember because he would dissolve into uncontrollable laughter when I played the drums when we practiced at the old Jr High band room. I never could figure out what was so funny.

I agree with John about the size of kids in sports today. I used to wish I was 210 lbs in those days. Now I wish I was 210 lbs these days!  Went to Costco the other day and passed by a security camera display. I kept wondering where the old man in the screen was until I saw it was me! I could not get away fast enough and I use the term "fast" loosely. Enough rambling for now.   Manuel

09/15/16 06:03 AM #165    

John Davies

September is half over and no entries in the forum.  Our "accountants" will frown at this situation!!!  Well anyway, yes Manuel, I have seen myself on security cameras (and the morning mirror) and often wonder who that "ancient" person is.  Time marches on, huh?  Does anyone remember the Disney movie "The Boy Who Flew With Condors"?  It was one of the Sunday night Disney one-hour movies in our high school days.  This particular movie was filmed mainly around Tehachapi and involved the growth of a glider pilot, who happened to be Chris Jury, who was the senior class president when we were all freshmen.  Well, anyway, I told my daughter that I starred in that movie and that I was a childhood movie star.  To make a long story short, she went on an internet search to get a copy of the movie.  Once it arrived, we all watched it.  After the glider crash-landed in a lake and was pulled to shore, I was the kid sitting on a short piece of lumber next to the lake, on film for maybe 10 seconds and I spoke no words.  Apparently the family consensus was that I had stretched the truth about being a childhood movie star.  It was the beginning and ending of my stardom. 

Manuel, I remember in the old days when stats were posted in the high school locker room.  It was football season and you were a key running back on the team.  I don't remember exactly how many yards you had rushed for at that point in the season, but it was something like 500 yards, but the key statistic was that you only had one run for negative yardage (one yard loss).  Great job man!!  Does anyone remember the time the Mojave Mustangs changed the Tehachapi "T" on the hillside to an "M"?...or playing in the sand at Trona??

Well I know I am rambling and babbling again.  I hope all the latest birthday celebrators enjoyed another milestone in their lives.  It would be great to hear from classmates and some of the myths and legends that still seem to be alive about our school days.  Come on gang, I'm sure everyone has at least one to tell.  Until then, please take care...........John


09/16/16 11:42 AM #166    

Rick Davis

I well remember the Disney movie with Chris Jury, but am now hearing for the first time about John's movie debut. Didn't realize I could access it all these years later, but certainly will make an effort to do so. It would be great to se it again, and keep my eyes open for John's contribution! Ofcourse I too remember the Mojave incident-we really were disturbed at that event. Can't recall if we ever retaliated in any way, other than whipping the snot out of the Mustangs at sporting events.

I have several Halloween stories I could share but guessing my partners in crime might not appreciate the revelation at this stage of the game. Suffice to say, property damage was generally involved, and we were never found out. I'm still to this day a little concerned when Halloween shows up, fearful of the pay back that would prove the notion ,what goes around comes around.

The one event that afected me in a huge way was the death of Coach Williams, and his service in our gym. At the time it was my first real hurtful death experience and I think of it to this day.

On my next post I'll recall some happy times and memories-there are many indeed and I still think of Tehachapi as home. Until then you all be good.


09/22/16 07:17 PM #167    


Manuel Avila

I too remember the movie but did not ever know about John and his role in it until now.  I would have thought towns people would have mentioned John as well as Chris being in the movie because it would have been very noteworthy in our small town, expecically in the 60's!

It would have been easy to change the "T" to "M" in the old days without anyone seeing it because it was so far out of town and Hwy 58 was not built yet.  Now the city limits incorporates the "T" and there are homes out there.  Progress!

John, I do not remember the stats sheet, too long ago.  To be truthful, I did not keep up with the stats until the end of the season so I could tell the Coaches they should have let me carry the ball more.  I wanted to score more so Marvin's Mom would make me her fabulous rolls!

I agree with Rick about Coach Williams.  He was a good person.  I still see Coach Carll and Mrs. Carll every few months when I can catch them at home. To me they have not changed much over the years.

I am leaving tomorrow for my month in the mountains so you will not hear from me until the end of Oct.  You all take care of yourselves.


10/19/16 01:32 PM #168    

John Davies

I wonder how Manuel is doing in his trek into the versus mountain??!!!  Who will win?  Rick, I remember the chess matches with Mr. O'Donnell.  Unfortunately I have not picked up a chess piece in twenty years, so I know I can't compete with you Big Guys!!  Do you remember when Mr. O'Donnell set up a program with the Tehachapi prison where he would periodically bring a group of chess players who would compete with some of the non-violent inmates?  It was a nice gesture on his part to help those guys prepare for transition back into successful members of society.   We were fortunate to have a lot of good people in our lives who were committed to helping us prepare for the future.....many of them parents of the students of the class of 70!!!

I guess we are in for exciting times the next three weeks, huh??  Donald versus Hillary!!!!  I will withhold all comments because no matter what I say, it will get me in trouble with someone!!!  Glad football season is in full swing again.....go Gators!!!  (I won't mention the Buccaneers!).  I hope everyone is doing well....getting ready for Halloween and Thanksgiving and Christmas and then another year will become history!!!  My best salutes (and toasts) go to all the great people of the class of 70!!!!..........John


10/22/16 10:55 AM #169    

Rick Davis

Unfortunately  am hearing about the chess activity with the inmates for the first time and must say,  am sorry to hear about it now as I would have been all over that. I carry a roll up vinyl mat and men in my vehicle in hopes of stirring up a game now and again. I'm an addict about chess, even though I don't seem to improve much! Couldn't agree more on the importance of this years election results, but in the end still feel a bit fatalistic about the outcome-the universe is unfolding as it should. We are bracing for an above average snowfall up here in the Pacific Northwest, not something I look forward to, but it helps me to eagerly welcome the coming of spring! Everyone be good, safe and happy!


10/26/16 09:10 AM #170    


Manuel Avila

Well, I am back from the mountains for another year. This year the mountain left it's mark again on this old body with sore muscles and aching joints. Oh, forgot, I get those while in the safety of my own home! Before I forget, Happy BDay to Sheila McTyre (Williams), late on this one, and Susan Gilliland (Close). I tipped a few in the mountains to celebrate. Nothing like Mother Nature for a drinking companion.

I never participated in chess like you cerebral types. I did think it was an interesting game though. It has to be good for the mind because it makes you think and plan moves, Much better than mindlessly watching TV with the overcompensated actors and athletes and the programs they are on, but I do it anyway. I do enjoy reading as a pastime. I received my free library card because of my age and use it as much as possible. I will get into an author and read all the books available from him or her. If the Tehachapi Library does not have a book, I can order it from another library and have it delivered to the Tehachapi Branch. I love modern technology! Except for smart phones. I will keep my flip phone until they no longer produce them on this earth.

Keep in touch, Manuel

11/14/16 06:54 AM #171    

John Davies

Manuel, once again you have conquered the mountains, returning to civilization victoriously....congrats man!!  Some of us poor schlubs (is that a word??), well mainly me, are still trying to get enough cookies in the cookie jar to retire and be able to do the kinds of things you and many other classmates are already doing every day!!!  You mentioned the it still in the same building as it was when we were kids?  I remember walking with the class in elementary school to the library once every week or two.  I remember Mrs. Eisenman was the head librarian, and her husband Walt would eventually played chess with some of us when we were in junior high school.  And of course, Rick learned a lot more about the intricacies of chess than I did, which is why he can compete with the "big dogs" of today!!  I am relegated to watching Wheel of Fortune every night and occasionally I find a good category on Jeopardy, but usually I am overmatched on that show!  I am really showing how old I am, but the business block down the street on the opposite side from the library had a thrift "dime" store, the old post office, Yeager's Department Store, and Squires Drug Store (before Dave Edmiston's Dad took over it).  And then heading further north, there was Rudy's Clip Joint across the street from the Beekay Theater.  I remember going in there one day to get a haricut when I was a freshman.  In there were Tim Sanders and Bob Cote.  It was during basketball season.  Tim and Bob were local athletic celebrities to me, and I was in awe of them and was thrilled to sit with them.  Fred Patterson and of course Rudy Avila were the two barbers.  They were both available at the same time, so Tim asked Rudy to cut his hair, since the last time Rudy had cut his hair, Tim went on to have three consecutive basketball games where he scored more than 25 points each game.  Athletes are the most superstitious people in the world.  This was our excuse for not washing gym socks for a week (occasionally two!) because we had two hits in the last baseball game while wearing them, and could not take a chance by washing out the good luck in them!!  Well anyway, so much for those gross details, huh???.......

I suppose I could go on babbling all day, so for now I'll close and wish happy birthday to our latest group of class celebrities...many of us will be toasting your success and long lives.  Thanks to everyone for being the great people you are....John


11/30/16 09:16 AM #172    


Manuel Avila

 The end of the month is here and it is time to celebrate the two BDays of the month of which I am aware. We have Debbie White (Taylor) and my old neighbor Marvin Williams. Hope your BDays found the both of you in a celebratory mood! John, the old downtown has changed. The buildings are still there but the businesses have changed. The Library has moved to Tehachapi Blvd. on the west end of town. It is two shops away from a bar which it makes it convenient for me to check out a book and maybe celebrate a BDay!. Did you know people of our advanced mental capacity can get a library card for free?! Helps since I am living on a fixed income subject to cost of living raises. Rudy's Clip Joint, brings back many memories. Do any you you remember the hair oil my Dad sold in the shop? It was red and green and very oily. The shop used to be the gathering place for the senior men in town to gather and discuss past, current and future events. Then they would move to the bench on the corner of Green and the main drag to watch the traffic going through town. Now we have several restaurants from which to choose to gather and have coffee. At least that is what I am told by the current senior members in town. Living in Golden Hills, I do not get into town proper much. The new people who moved here, because they liked the small town feel, are very determined to update the entire area with new businesses, functions and events to draw people here to spend money. Makes me feel old. I am done rambling for now so you all take care.  Manuel

12/02/16 07:47 PM #173    

Marvin Williams

Thanks for the Birthday shout out Manuel, we were in Bakersfield for Thanksgiving with The kids and grandkids, had a very nice birthday with a grandkids made birthday cake. I was in Tehachapi for about 15 minutes the day after Thanksgiving to pick up dad and Lori and haul them down to San Pedro cruise ship terminal.

I have upgraded my birthday celebration libation from beer to Fireball & Rumchatta shots, not quite as filling and more ban for the buck!

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and wishing everyone a Merry Christmas.

12/21/16 11:54 AM #174    

John Davies

Well I guess another year is just about in the books!  I just want to say "Merry Christmas" to the class of '70 and congratulations on completing another year on this planet.  Hey, let's do it again next year!!!  Thanks to everyone who posted comments this year.....hopefully we will see more participants in the future to keep us entertained and reminded of how great we WERE in the olden days, huh???!!  Thanks to everyone for the memories and bits of wisdom and good times and a few birthday toasts along the way, too!!  We can't forget those, right Manuel??....and Marvin??!!  It is difficult for me to imagine we are all knocking on the 65-year door.  How the heck did that happen??  I still remember Coach Dorrington yelling at me in the 7th grade PE class....and that was over 50 years ago.  Wow!!!  Well anyway, please have a Happy New Year and be well....John


01/03/17 10:05 AM #175    


Manuel Avila

You might have thought you were rid of my comments since I posted nothing for Dec. Maybe you thought old age with arthritis had laid claim to my bony joints. Well, you were half right. Old age has laid claim but arthritis is only slowly taking claim of this "seasoned" temple" I refer to as my body. Another interpretation could be of a Mayan Temple ruin. At least we are both still around if somewhat weathered.

Now to the meat of this message: Happy BDay to Mary Herrera (Burns) for last month as well as Dae Lantz. Had to use Egg Nog since it was the CHRISTmas Season. We should now be known as the Class of 65! If you know what I mean. I hope the Season went well with all able to gather with family members and bring up fond memories of Family and Friends who have passed before us. The New Year will come with trials and tribulations but I know we will have the strength to make it through the year. We made it this far didn't we?!

Happy New Year to all.

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